Unlock your innate power

You notice if anger and resentments are your drivers if you hold on to hurts and never work to get over them. Instead of releasing your pain through forgiveness, you replay the mental movie of the event in your mind over and over again.
It shows up as an internal build up of resentment or as an external act out projecting your anger on others. Both responses are unhelpful and unhealthy.
Continuing to stew in pain and perpetuate any past hurt always hurts YOU more than the person you resent.
Those who have hurt you in the past can not continue to hurt you now UNLESS YOU hold onto the pain through resentment and reliving the memory of the past. Your bitterness only hurts yourself.
Forgiveness means LEAVING the past in the past. To not hold it against someone, including yourself.
That was then, now is now.
Life gets easier, lighter and fresher when you leave the past in the past. Free yourself from fixed expectations formed from the past. Stay open and curious to what this moment brings you.
Every moment offers an opportunity to be someone new, do something different and start fresh.
Are you taking it?
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