Unlock your innate power

When was the last time that you paid attention to your internal voice?
Is it harsh and judging or loving and compassionate?
We tend to believe that in order for us to be motivated to change we need to be strict with ourselves and call out everything we do wrong.
Using this strategy however usually results in feeling burnt out, deflated and exhausted.
Coming from a loving and compassionate viewpoint does not mean we agree to our situation and stop working on our goals.
But rather that we meet ourselves where we are at, instead of arguing with reality, thinking we should be further ahead that what we are.
Imagine you being the coach for a kids team in your sport of choice. How do you think the kids would feel after 3 months of the coach being angry, screaming at them and highlighting everything they did wrong?
Do you think that any of them would be excited to show up for practice?
I don’t think so.
A coach that highlights their progress and gives them clear directions on what to work on next. This will allow the kids to build up confidence that they are on the right path and a clear sense on where to put their focus to evolve to the next level.
This team will grow stronger, be eager to come to practice and will have fun along the way.
Being scared of making mistakes vs being excited to learn something new are two very different feelings.
Which one are you cultivating with the internal language that you use towards yourself?
#internallanguage #beyourbestfriend #coachyourselfwithlove