I have a dream 💭

That I one day get to inspire women (and men) to feel comfortable and confident in their own skin. That I help people understand their emotions, allowing themselves to feel and let go instead of suppressing them.

I have a dream that I trigger people to get curious about why their emotions are there and start asking themselves the question: ‘What message is this feeling trying to give me?’

That I guide people to see their problems as gifts, a way of learning. That they can feel safe during challenging times, be brave and take action despite being scared.

I have a dream that I can spark people to connect with the true version of themselves. Make them understand that they are enough just as they are. That they have a purpose, a role to fill.

That I get to influence others to let go of any limitations that they put on themselves and start dreaming big, without any fear of disappointment.

I have a dream that I motivate people to live a happier lifestyle - however that may look for them. The beauty of this journey is that we all possess a unique set of values, beliefs, weaknesses and strengths.

Be grateful towards all the people that make your life possible: the lady at the cashier, the guy collecting your trash, the taxi driver and the barista making your coffee.

You see, we are all connected in the dance of the universe ❤️ Our very survival depends on each other. Spread a little extra love today and let someone else know that you are grateful for their existence. 

Nathalie Rill

Certified Life Coach helping you to build up your self-trust and self-confidence to go after what you want.


The danger of taking things for granted