Are you telling yourself: If I don’t work hard, I can’t be successful.
I need to operate at my maximum and if I don’t, I’m not worthy of success.
First of all, your worthiness, the effort you put in and your success are three separate things.
You are constantly 100% worthy as a human. You were born worthy and will die worthy. Nothing you do or don’t do will increase or decrease your worthiness.
Your value on the job market however is linked to your skills, which is different from your human worthiness.
Thinking that success requires effort and that the more effort you put in the more successful you will be, is a flawed premise. Effort does not equal success.
If this was true, the person who worked the longest hours would be the most successful one. However the people who have 3 jobs are usually not the highest earners.
From my experience a more correct statement would be: Steady alignment with what you want to achieve brings success.
When you are in alignment you feel inspired to do the work. Inspired action and required actions are fueled with two different energies.
Required action = Effort
Inspired action = Excitement
One is push, one is pull. One feels heavy, one feels easy. One is uphill, one is downhill.
So it’s not effort but alignment that brings success.
What about that success makes me worthy?
As stated before, your worthiness is constant. However we have a tendency to use external results as an excuse to ALLOW us to feel worthy. But there is nothing you need to DO in order to be worthy, you just are worthy. Period. Nothing that you do or don’t do changes that.
#worthy #success #effort #lifecoaching #personaldevelopment #feelinggood