Unlock your innate power

Perfectionism = Refusing to accept any standard below perfect.
I’m all for having high standards but I have become aware how much my perfectionism side holds me back from trying to do new things.
I want to master them right away, but mastery only comes from practice and refining. Which can only be taught by doing and daring to be a new beginner.
Maybe it’s not about lowering your standards, maybe it’s a mindset shift that needs to take place?
What is perfect anyway?
Rather than thinking it means: Doing something flawlessly.
Can your new definition be: Going after my dreams and being willing to suck at it in the beginning if that’s what it takes to achieve what I want?
I’m a perfectionist but I no longer strive for flawlessness. I strive to achieve bigger and bolder things. I strive to move closer to my dreams and I’m willing to fail and get up again as many times as it takes me to get there.
That to me is my new definition of perfection.
What’s yours?
#perfect #perfectionism #mastery #lifecoaching #personaldevelopment

Don’t hold it against yourself or use it to try to predict your future. When you do, you will just create more of the same. Repeat what you already have created so far. Your past has nothing to do with your future, useless you use it as a template for how to live your life.
If you have not yet created the results in your life that you want to create, stop using your past to justify and explain why you have not achieved them. Instead focus on what it is that you want to create.
Go to that appealing future that is available to you, no matter where you currently are on your journey. Create from your future rather than from your past, that’s when you can create something new.
This opens up endless possibilities.
Did you know that your brain is wired to wanting to be right more so than to be happy?
It’s also wired to be biassed toward negativity and worst case scenarios.
This is where self sabotage comes in. We look to our past to find proof or evidence as to why something will not work instead of looking towards the future and the infinite possibilities as to why it could work.
We then give up as soon as we have gathered enough proof that it did not work, so that we can be right. Instead of keep on trying different ways of approaching the challenge until we find a successful way through it.
Primitive part of the brain:
Negativity bias
Past focus
Loves to be right
Prefrontal cortex:
Solution oriented
Future focused
Loves to create
Which part of the brain are you activating the majority of your awake time?
#brainfunctions #primitivebrain #prefrontalcortex #mindoverbody

Contrast helps us know more clearly what it is that we want. It helps us define our personal preferences. First when you go after your preferred version of living life can you be satisfied.
It is all about closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be. And you do so by stopping looking at what is and instead investing your energy in creating the life you want to live by giving your attention to what you want.
Many times we feel stuck because we have a contrasting moment that helps us know what we don’t want, so we also know more clearly what we do want.

The core of your unworthiness feeling comes from the flawed premise that it’s your responsibility to make someone else happy.
I used to think it was my responsibility to make my partner happy. Leading me on a path of twisting and tweaking MY own behaviour so that HE could be HAPPY.
Taking me further and further away from living life the way that made ME happy.
Result: WE both ended up UNHAPPY.
We get it all wrong.
We worry more about how OTHER people feel than about how WE feel.