Unlock your innate power

Your brain is constantly asking itself 3 questions as it interpreting its surroundings:
What can I LEARN?
In order to have access to the learning part of your brain, where creative thinking lives, you first need to feel both physically and socially safe.
Your main task in life is to feel good. When you are in a good place it’s easy for others to be around you, it’s easy for you to be around others and it’s easy for you to be around you.
When you feel good, ideas come easily to you. You feel inspired to take action. You see the fun in new activities. You dare to push boundaries. Your buffer is filled up and you have energy to take on challenges.
You feel good by focusing on what's wanted. Focusing on where you WANT TO GO, what you WANT TO CREATE and what you CAN DO with what you have right now to move in that direction.
Closing the gap between where you are and where you want to go is the only thing that brings satisfaction long term.
Keep it small, keep it light and playful.
What is ONE THING that you can do today that moves the bar one step?
#unstuckingyourself #stuck #feelingstuck