The reason why you want something is because of how you think it will make you feel:
We think that our circumstances will have to change for us to feel these feelings.
Let’s do a quick exercise:
Describe for yourself in as much detail as possible what your life would look like, if anything was possible.
The home you would live in
The clothes you would wear
The relationships you would have
The result you would produce
How you would feel in your body
How you would carry yourself
The feeling you would have waking up
How you would feel as you walk through the day
Noticing how you feel right now as you describe your ideal future for yourself.
My guess is that you feel pumped, happy, excited and proud. Notice that nothing has changed externally. But your internal stage has shifted completely, why is that?
Because our thoughts affect how we feel. We think that our circumstances have to change in order for us to feel in a certain way, when really it's the opposite.
When you feed your mind with powerful thoughts, you generate empowering feelings which inspire you to take actions that support creating the result that you want.
To create greater results, allow yourself to dream about an appealing future that inspires you to take action aligned with your goal.
#dream #powerfulthoughts #thinkandgrowrich #happy #mindmanagement