By the age of 35, 95% of your thoughts and behaviours are habitual. We go through the day repeating the same thoughts and emotions.
Check in with yourself what your predominant thought patterns and emotions are.
Are you feeling upbeat, excited and determined?
Or exhausted, stressed and unfocused?
If you don’t like your current emotional home - the emotional state you tend to come back to - it’s time to form some new habits.
Our thoughts generate our emotions, meaning you can create a feeling on purpose. Ask yourself what emotion that would spark you to take massive action?
Next step is to identify what thoughts that will create this empowering emotion, i.e.:
I can do this
I have what it takes to make it happen
I’m resourceful
Let’s do this
I can’t wait to see how I’m figuring it out
Intentionally practise thinking these thoughts on a daily basis. Write them down, say them out loud. The more you practise the stronger neural connection you will create, making this your default thinking.
Your self talk creates the filter which you see the world through. You either scan the world for opportunities or threats.
One leads to excitement and one leads to anxiety.
If you leave it up to your brain it will scan the world for threats, leading you to feel stressed, worried and anxious.
#mindset #goaloriented #focused #success