Daily we are in situations where we think that there is only one right way.
We condemn others and ourselves wrong if we don’t stick to that “one right way”. But the truth is that there is no such a thing as “the right way”. There are just different approaches and there are many ways that lead to Rome.
What works for you, might not work for someone else because we all start from different places.
The only one that can possibly know what’s right for you is YOU. You will be able to tell by the way that you feel, both during taking the action and after the action is completed.
If you feel good when you play it all out you know that you are onto something. If you don’t feel so good, be open to try something else.
Trust yourself more than you trust anyone else.
Self trust is a muscle and is practised by listening to yourself, the voice inside of you who gives you clues all day, everyday about what to do.
Are you tending to that voice or are you listening to what others think you should do?
#selftrust #therightway #lifecoaching #personaldevelopment #trust